>September's minutes will be posted when approved at May 2025 meeting<
Crystal Manor Boat Club Minutes
August 17, 2024
The minutes from the July 2024 meeting were read and approved. There was a motion to accept.
The treasurer’s report was read, there was a motion to approve the report and it was seconded and passed.
All covered in Secretary’s report.
Beach is still a mess. Teresa and Ed Groce encourage anyone wanting to help clean up the beach for Labor Day to see them. She is ordering an extra potty for the holiday weekend,
Darrin said there was a grievance but was resolved between both parties.
Poker Run sold 85 hands and was able to contribute $1890 to the club for the 2026 picnic and fireworks.
Gretchen announced that there was one new associate Jessica Willey.
Dan Short did the first reading of the proposed by law change to increase dues by $150 to be voted on at the September meeting.
Ed Rowe asked if there were any nominations for 2025 officers from the floor. There being none, nominations were closed. Slate of officers for next season will be:
Commodore Gerry Baffone
Vice Comm Darrin Delvisio
Treasurer Bev Duff
Secretary Dawn Fluman
Roy thanked everyone for their friendship and said he enjoyed his leadership time with all of us. Many comments from the floor about the various things that Roy accomplished in his tenure.
Gil reminded everyone about Deep Blue’s visit on September 7.
Donna reminded everyone of the Golf Cart Poker Run on September 21 to fund “the dogs” and “Faith in Action.”
Motion was made to adjourn.
Dawn Fluman, SecretaryDawn Fluman, Secretary
Crystal Manor Boat Club Minutes
July 20 , 2024
The minutes from the June 2024 meeting were read and approved. There was a motion to accept.
The treasurer’s report was read and a motion to approve the report was seconded and passed.
All covered in Secretary’s report.
Teresa is in the hospital recovering from gall bladder surgery.
She said she was really pleased that everyone took their trash home with them after the picnic. Best activity ever!
Darrin said the new grievance policy has been put on the web and includes his number if you need to contact him.
Jim has the latest version of the Bylaws on the web.
Easiest picnic ever with the expanded parking area.
2ND Saturday in August is the poker run starting at 11-11:30. We will draw the first card at CB, next card at Chesapake Inn, next card at Bayard House, 4th card at Chesapeake Inn, final card and buy backs at beach. $40/hand. Last year $1500 went to the boat club.
Roy wanted to inform everyone about an incident at the picnic that is being addressed. The child of one of our new members was called derogatory names by other children on the beach. We think we have identified the parents of these children as someone riding around Crystal Beach on a red lawn mower. We are addressing the issue but first wanted to make sure this family were not guests at the picnic of any of our members. Since there were none, Donna Swain will look at the security camera to be sure we have the right family.
Gretchen announced that there were no new members or associates this month. She was able to convince 6 members who aren’t currently planning to use their slips for the remainder of the season to give them to 6 more associates who do. Thanks Gretchen.
Dan Short said he has been converting the current bylaws from HTML format to a PDF. He has also adjusted the fonts for easier read, adjusted line spacing and 3 miss-spellings.
Thanks Dan.
Ed Rowe said if anyone is interested in any board positions to please see him.
Motion was made to adjourn.
Dawn Fluman, Secretary
Crystal Manor Boat Club Minutes
June 15 , 2024
The minutes from the May 2024 meeting were read and approved. There was a motion to accept.
Motion to approve the report was made and seconded.
All covered in Secretary’s report.
We welcome Chuck Yetter as a new associate and Tim Mulvihill as a new member with the purchase of the Hewlett house.
Still waiting on work for the bulkhead and the apron that will be done during the week to avoid conflict with boat traffic on the weekends. And then lines for the cameras.
The board is currently working on a way to separate funds for future bulkhead repairs. There are currently no issues in 2024 but we are looking ahead to be prepared. Further information will be available when prepared..
Motion was made to adjourn.
Dawn Fluman, Secretary
Crystal Manor Boat Club Minutes
May 18, 2024
The minutes from the September 2023 meeting were read and approved. There was a motion to accept.
Bev Duff was not able to be at the meeting but Roy read the treasurer’s report provided by her. Motion to approve the report was made and seconded.
All covered in Secretary’s report.
Teresa announced that tomorrow will be the beach cleanup at 11:00 am. Picnic tables need to be painted—the new ones last year. The swim buoys are shackled and need to be in the water before Memorial day weekend. Around the gate needs to be weed whacked. She also mentioned that some people who are having fires on the beach are burning cans which allows for dangerous residue in the sand. Please call her for specific jobs that are needed for the beach area.
Darren Delvisio is the new Grievance chair and he is currently working on some new guidelines for reporting and maintaining complaints. Further information to follow on this topic.
Gretchen announced 2 new associates: Joe and Lisa Swain and David Norcini. Also she is offering a membership to Ray Russo who is #1 on the associate list to fill the membership of Shapiro who is taking a senior membership. He was voted in unanimously. She also reminded everyone who still needs to pick up their boat stickers.
Come to Roy with any needs or changes to slips. Catwalks look good right now and no more work will be done on them this year. We are currently working on a 10-year dredging permit. Brian Tuoy will be working on the cement apron with work done during the week so it can cure before the weekend. We are working on the additional wiring to add more security cameras.
Mike Kelly has stepped down as chairperson of the planning committee. He expressed frustration in not being able to give time to the position due to commitments with sporting events in Pennsylvania. Further information about filling this position to follow.
See Jim Fulton if you have any questions.
Please see Pat Smart or Darren Delvisio with any concerns. Please be sure to have your stickers on your boat BEFORE launching.
Gerry and Roy are still in negotiation with Chris Brown and Elk Development for our long-term lease. We paid this year even though that lease has not been finalized. Comments are made regarding the beach but we need to keep in mind that the beach and marina do not belong to us but to Chris Brown and Army Corp of Engineers.
Gerry wanted to let everyone know that there is a killdeer nest with eggs on the beach near the picnic area. It has cones around it for protection. Eric Yetter has informed Gerry that the eggs will probably hatch in about 10 days and they are born to run so will vacate the nest quickly.
The tree on the beach is not doing well. Gerry is going to have a tree person look at it and see what needs to be done.
Picnic is scheduled for July 13 and is listed on the web page. All volunteer heads are in place. More information to follow.
There was much discussion about Roberts Rules of Order and how it applies to our organization. The executive committee has discussed the need to separate what are Rules/Policy/ByLaws and putting items in the correct category. We are looking for suggestions.
We tabled the idea of raising dues at the end of last season because it wasn’t handled correctly so we will be visiting that item again this year. According to Roberts Rules, dues should not be an item in bylaws. We also tabled the issue of the executive committee being able to reassign a dock that wasn’t used by July 1.
We are also looking at the consequences of those members that break the rules because there doesn’t seem to be any penalty between “doing nothing” and “grievance.” We would like to establish a sequence of penalties that is black and white. These violations would include things like fires, trash, dog waste, etc. We are considering $25 fine for first offense, then deactivation of gate card and then suspension for habitual offenders. These items would not be those that violated a bylaw. We would like to have forms available. It was suggested that we establish boundaries but our major concern are those things that are detrimental to the operation of the boat club. It should also apply to “boat club sanctioned” events. It was suggested that a list be established but not sure that it would actually ever be a complete list but a suggested one. It was also mentioned that boat club officers should be held to a different standard.
Donna Swain said the poker run will be the 1st Saturday in August with the second Saturday as an alternate. All boats are invited. Last year we made $2600 with 65 hands sold. After the buy-backs and extra hands and splitting with the Civic Association, we netted $1500.
The golf cart poker run is tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Saturday in September. More info to follow.
Any event ideas, see Donna . Jenn Lovell has experience as an event planner and her expertise will be welcome.
Gretchen wanted to welcome Todd Yetter as a member since the Yetter LLC is gone and Todd is the new owner of the family home. Welcome Todd!
Roy said it was a long winter. The club has rules and if we all follow those rules, we will have a great club.
“If you can’t be a friend, Be Friendly”
Thanks to Ed Boyer and Darren Delvisio for burning the pile and thanks to all the wear deck workers and the ice eater installers and those that removed them.
It was asked about dredging the marina and what would be the cost. It was stated that the cost would have to include removal of what was dug up because it would be contaminated.
Bill Rutter asked about the cost of the beach clean up. Teresa said it cost $4650 which was the lower of the received bids. And also asked about the cost of the bulkhead repairs and was told the payments were $17,000, $17,000 and final payment of $10,000.
Motion was made to adjourn. Dawn Fluman, Secretary
Crystal Manor Boat Club Minutes
September 16, 2023
The minutes from the August 2023 meeting were read and approved. There was a motion to accept.
The treasurer’s report was read and Motion to approve the report was made and seconded.
All covered in Secretary’s report.
The bylaw vote for this meeting had to be tabled because the secretary sent out the wrong bylaw to be voted on.
Gretchen said she had 2 new associates and new members, Bill and Michelle Rhoades to vote in to replace Dave Brown. Vote was unanimous. Welcome!
Gerry read a notice from Mike Kelly that there being no nominations from the floor last meeting and the nominations being closed, the slate of officers is:
Commodore Roy Thompson
Vice-Commodore Gerry Baffone
Secretary Dawn Fluman
Treasurer Bev Duff
Roy said he was embarrassed by the behavior of some of the members at prior meetings. He wants everyone to raise their hands and be called on to be sure everyone is heard. We do mess up – but we must move forward. Starting in 2024, we will limit the time for meetings to 1 hour, 15 minutes. When we reach that time limit, we will finish the current topic and move everything else to the next meeting.
Evelyn Holmes wants minutes posted on the website before
they are approved.
Theresa wanted to thank Ken Hatt and Bob Sheldon for taking the buoys out of the water. The picnic tables need to be stacked. Weed wacking still needs to be done around the fence . Lots still to be done. Ask Theresa, John or Roy if you have not done your hour of volunteer.
John Swain said it is the same people that do most of the work around the marina. He wants to raise the annual fee to $200 for those people that don’t do an hour of work. He said it seems like some people would rather pay the $75 instead of doing any work.
Jim said the service for the website has been discontinued but it is still currently in operation.
Gerry says it seems like the Executive Committee seems to always putting out fires. In the off-season, he wants to address cumbersome by-laws and separate items that should be on a list of rules not necessarily a by-law.
John Swain said the Golf Cart Poker Run will be next Saturday the 23rd starting at 11:30. Cost is $30 per hand and there is food donated for after the event.
Motion was made to adjourn.
Dawn Fluman, Secretary
Crystal Manor Boat Club Minutes
August 19, 2023
The minutes from the July 2023 meeting were read and approved. A correction was made to eliminate Evelyn Holmes name from the comments made at the end of the meeting about proxy or absentee votes. There was a motion to accept.
The treasurer’s report was read and Motion to approve the report was made and seconded.
All covered in Secretary’s report.
Dan Short read the proposed by-law that everyone got sent to them for vote today.
23-09 Voting other than elections no longer requires attendance at 2 meetings
Proposed by Alan Emsley
Background: Votes taken early in the season are challenging because members may miss a meeting early in the season. By removing the 2-meeting requirement will allow members to be able to vote on important changes.
New wording in Bylaws
(C) for voting in the annual September election of Officers only, a member must attend at least 2 meetings that season. In the event of a special election to fill a vacancy, attending 2 meetings that season will not be required.
BLC Input: Agree unanimous
Executive Committee: Agree
There were 37 possible votes with 25 to pass. 32 YES -0- No PASS
Dan had a new proposal for first reading #14-23 to be voted on at the September meeting.
23-14 Club can reassign slips without member approval.
Background: support effort to utilize slips for associate members.
Note: Similar change request was submitted earlier in the year and withdrawn.
Submitted by: Executive Board
BLC: agrees
EC: agrees
New wording in bylaws:
A) Member responsibilities and Privileges
Section 16
If a member commits to using his/her slip or an associate rents a slip for a season, the club has authority to place a boat in that slip if vacant. If slip is used for a boat club approved Guest Pass or a boat club approved overnight stay, no contact will be made to the member/associate. Members/associate will be informed their slip was reassigned. If and when the member/associate wants to use the slip originally assigned to them, they need to notify the membership chairperson. No monies will be reimbursed. Members with lifts should use the slip swapping option in order to ensure slips are utilized.
Bill Reilly questioned the liability for damage and wear and tear to the lift. It was recommended that a separate insurance rider be added to your policy to include the lift. He also questioned a bylaw that doesn’t include all members—not equal to all.
Gretchen said she had 2 new associates and new members, Bill and Michelle Rhoades to vote in to replace Dave Brown. Vote was unanimous. Welcome!
Mike Kelly announced that all 4 board members were willing to stay for another year. He asked if there were any nominations from the floor. There being none, he closed nominations. Vote was unanimous.
Motion was made to adjourn.
Dawn Fluman, Secretary
Crystal Manor Boat Club Minutes
July 16, 2022
The minutes from the June 2022 meeting were read and approved. There was a motion to accept.
Motion to approve the report was made and seconded.
All covered in Secretary’s report.
Picnic-We need to hand it to Gerry Baffone and all those who worked at the picnic to make it such a success. Gerry will report on the picnic during his report.
Trash-The Executive Committee discussed Evelyn Holmes’ offer for trash pick-up in the marina. It was decided that we would not accept her offer at this time. We discussed issues with over-flowing trash cans on the beach because people have used these cans in the past to put their home trash in them. There was a further concern about the weight of the trash trucks on the ramp that would promote a break-down of the asphalt on the sides of the ramp needing constant repair. We will need to revisit this issue another time.
Video-Waiting on Comcast who is supposed to be burying the cable. Mark Miller and John Murphy have contacted Comcast and are waiting. They said the contractor is not answering emails or phone calls. We are working on a new contractor to install the cable.
Bank-We have gotten 2 bids for the work on the bank but can’t seem to get a 3rd one at this time. Most people say the job is too small.
Beef and Basket-It is will be a joint function between the boat club and the civic association. There will be signs and tickets are available at $30 pp. It will be a 50th celebration for the civic association. No beverages will be served so feel free to bring your own.
Poker Run-none this year.
Fire Extinguisher-We have at least 5 and they are only 2 years-old so they are still ok.
Cat Walks-still ongoing project. Information will be on website when available.
Driveway Gate-The gate closes after 1 vehicle. Please do not try to scoot another vehicle through because if the gate comes down on your vehicle and is damaged, you will be responsible for the repairs. Please be aware that the morning dew covers the “eye” at times so the gate stays up until it dries.
Parking-Parking at the beach is tough at times. Roy scanned our lease with the Army Corp looking for the stipulation about parking further down the beach during the boating season but couldn’t find one. He contacted them and with a return call it was determined that we don’t have that restriction in our lease. Not sure where that condition or the signs came from. New signs are being made designating the additional parking area moving within 50 feet of medium tide. There will be signs designating the additional parking for golf carts, ATVs and 4-wheel drive vehicles.
Deep Blue-Last year the boat club donated $500 to the police kayaking unit. They have donated $500,000 to the wounded warriors. There was a motion to donate $500 again this year. It was approved.
Teresa wanted to thank all the boat club members and guests for the clean-up after the picnic. It was a great day, the weather was cool, the games were great, and a good time was had by all.
Mike Kelly announced that nominations would be accepted at the next meeting. Please contact Mike if you are interested in running for any position.
Gretchen reported that we have associate #80 – Linda Rector. She also wanted to thank those members who have allowed use of their slip for overnight use over the holiday weekends.
Pat Smart said that it has been reported that golf carts are running through the gate behind cars. There are distance lines on the driveway to maintain spacing. Fires on the beach – please be safe if you have a fire on the beach and clean up after you are through. Roy and Pat frequently go down when there are fires on the beach reminding those around the fire about safety and cleaning up when they are done.
Gerry reported on the picnic. He expressed his appreciation for the patience of our membership when the change of start time went from 12:00>1:00>2:00. Everyone was so adaptable! We didn’t have a DJ because of the rain and the damp ground for their equipment. Gerry thanked everyone from the bottom of his heart for all the volunteers. We had 72 volunteers, 98 activities, 12 volunteers that weren’t even at the picnic. We had 31 raffles and 50/50 that were each pure profit. We had 40 restaurant/stores donations with 15 new locations and 19 donations to the fireworks over $3,000. This is an elaborate event that we just can’t do every year even though our “crazy man head cook, Lon” thinks we should! Sophia was the food coordinator for many years and since we didn’t have one this year, Gerry and Bet had to step in. We will definitely need someone to fill that position next time. We also need about 10 more volunteers, those who don’t say, “I already did my hour.”
Fireworks will be today with another rain date for 7/23. Rocco, our shooter, confirms that we can do them today despite the rain possibility. The Fire Marshall was having issues with the fireworks company but got them resolved in time for us. The marina will be roped off from the corn cooker to the channel. No cars in that area from 6:00 pm on. Please don’t be that person shutting down the fireworks because you are on the beach or on a boat within range!
There were 33 possible voters at the time we first started the by-law readings with 23
needed to pass.
Alternative to the Lift Rental
20 yes, 10 no, 3 abstain DID NOT PASS
Sticker Fee
30 yes PASS
Senior Member
30 yes PASS
Associate Late Fees
32 yes PASS
Volunteer Hour Prior Approval
31 yes PASS
Seasonal Sticker Placement
30 yes PASS
Use of Ramp Guidelines
30 yes PASS
Ramp Use Responsibility
#1 If a new member joins the club after slip assignments have been completed and communicated for any given year, that new member may not have a slip assigned to them yet; therefore, they may not have a slip during the year they become a member. They will be placed at the top of the Seniority list for slip assignment for that year and will get the next available slip if they desire one. They will get a permanent slip assigned to them which they can use the next year.
#2 Proxy Vote – Members in good standing must be present at a meeting for their vote to count. Proxy votes are prohibited.
Lon asked that everyone please be sure to sign in if they hadn’t already done so.
Dawn reminded everyone to submit any email address changes. And she also on a side note wanted to let everyone know that her granddaughter, Abigail Pitcher, was selling lemonade in front of their beach house at 43 Carolina Avenue with proceeds going to the Ronald MacDonald House in Delaware.
It was suggested that maybe we should have numbers on our golf carts to help identify the carts that are on our roads.
Motion was made to adjourn.
Dawn Fluman, Secretary
Crystal Manor Boat Club Minutes
June 17, 2023
The minutes from the May 2023 meeting were read and approved. There was a motion to accept.
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Alan Emsley suggested we look into moving some into the Money Market account. Roy was going to ask Bev to look into it. Bill Rutter asked a question about the cost of the catwalk repairs. The boat club paid for the supplies for those catwalks up to 12 ft long. Those catwalks longer than 12ft would be billed to the dock owner for the distance beyond the 12ft mark. Motion to approve the report was made and seconded.
All covered in Secretary’s report.
Roy announced that the Civic Association asked him to move through his meeting as quickly as possible so that they could get set up for the evening’s combination boat club/civic association fund raiser, Beef and Baskets.
So, Dan Short, chair of the By-laws committee, will do his presentation first and committee reports will follow as time is available.
Dan started by telling the membership that #3 would not be voted on as it was retracted by the submitter.
#1 Membership and Associate financial obligation
This change will be an addition that says, “Members and Associates, or a family member, are required to perform at least one (1) hour of work or the completion of the assigned task (whichever is longer) OR participate in one (1) club work activity. Otherwise, they will be assessed a club activity fee of $75 per calendar year.
Motion by Alan/seconded by Matt King 50 Yes votes PASS
#2 Club paid dues
This existing text will be removed.
The secretary and Treasurer’s dues will be paid by the club in appreciation for the services rendered.
Motion by Alan/seconded by Theresa Gentile 9 Yes, 37 No FAIL
#4 Member responsibilities and Privileges
Section 16
If a member commits to using his/her slip OR a member requests the use of another slip for a season OR an associate rents a slip for a season, the club has authority to place a boat in that slip if vacant. If slip is used for a boat club approved Guest Pass or a boat club approved overnight stay, no contact will be made to the member/associate. The member/associate will be informed their slip was reassigned. If and when the member/associate wants to use the slip originally assigned to them, they need to notify the membership chairperson. No monies will be reimbursed.
There was much discussion about the use of lifts/liability/return of $ for less than a full season/clarification of proposal which is to use all slips and have room for overnight rentals.
A motion was made by Ed Rowe to table the proposed by law change and seconded by Carol Yetter.
47 Yes votes/1 No vote PASSED to table
Dan read one new proposal that will be voted on at the July meeting.
CR 23-06 Exec Committee members must have a boat.
Reason given: This is a boat club. Would be appropriate for the executive committee members to have a boat for them to have a more vested interest in the decisions they are making.
Neither the By-law committee nor the Exec committee supported this change.
Two vehicles at a time are still going through the gate. If you see any infractions, please see Pat so an incidence report can be filed.
One grievance was resolved and one incidence has been reported.
Gretchen is compiling a list of rentals available for the July 4th week. She still has stickers to give out.
Beef and Baskets fundraiser is tonight. 124 tickets have been sold. There are still tickets available for purchase. Beer kegs have been donated by Thompson, Swain, Mulvihill and Henger families.
Your response is always welcome. We try to be equal and fair to all.
Crystal Beach continues to be “Best Kept Secret.”
We will always try to do better.
Motion was made to adjourn.
Dawn Fluman, Secretary
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