Penalties for policy, rules and/or by-law violations (not deemed a Grievance)
The sequence of penalties for non-grievance violations :
- Verbal and/or written warning
- $25 fine to be paid before one month of notice violation anniversary
- Third offense within a season – de-activation of key cards for 30 days
- Fourth offense within a season – probation or suspension or a Grievance is issued - determined by executive committee and de-activation of key cards for rest of season
- Failure to pay fine within one month also de-activates key cards until fine is paid
- Multiple violations within a season can lead to stronger penalties including probation, suspension, and/or start of grievance process.
- Violations and the consequences do not carry over to the next season. Each member/associate has a clean slate for the next season.
- Multiple violations can be for breaking same rule, policy, or by-law or can be for violating multiple rules etc.
- These do not apply where by-laws explicitly state penalty of a violation.